I perioden 2016-19 deltog jeg i udstillingsfællesskabet ATRIUM, der nytænkte og genfortolkede plantekrukken. Gruppens intention var at skabe synergi mellem krukke og plante.
Begrebet synergi forbindes ofte med New Public Manegement. Jeg valgte at tage udgangspunkt i ordets egentlige betydning: ”samspil mellem to eller flere faktorer der forstærker hinanden således at den kombinerede effekt bliver større end summen af de enkelte faktorers bidrag.” (ordnet.dk)
Det udmøntede sig i et værk, hvor vådt ler og uspirede frø påvirker hinanden i lukkede glaskuber. Hensigten er at forskyde oplevelsen fra det funktionelle til det refleksive, så fokus flyttes fra tingslighed og økonomisk værdi til processen, som jeg mener er essentiel for al væren.
Som i land art danner det menneskeskabte afsæt for naturens bearbejdning. Men hvor land art ofte omfatter betydelige indgreb i landskabet, er glaskuberne størrelsesmæssigt snarere at sammenligne med bonsai, der i øvrigt direkte oversat betyder ”landskab på bakke”
Ph.D. i populationsbiologi Inger Weidema har skrevet en tekst om, hvad der sker i de lukkede kuber. (Teksten kan læses her)
I sin anmeldelse i Nordjyske af ATRIUMs udstilling i Det Ny Kastet, Thisted skriver Troels Laursen at Bonsai Land Art er "keramisk konceptkunst, når det virker."
Statens Kunstfond, Udvalget for Kunsthåndværk og Design præmierede værket i forbindelse med en udstilling på CLAY Keramikmuseum Danmark. (Udvalgets begrundelse for præmieringen kan læses her.)
Info om udstillingen på CLAY kan læses her.
Produktionen af Bonsai Land Art er støttet af Statens Kunstfond og Dansk Tennisfond. |
From 2016 to 2019 I was a member of the exhibition community ATRIUM, which reimagined and reinter-preted the plant pot. The intention of the group was to create synergy between pot and plant.
The term ‘synergy’ is often associated with the New Public Management. I chose the actual meaning of the word as my basis: “the interaction or cooperation of two or more organisations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.” (ordnet.dk)
On the basis of this quotation, I worked on displacing the experience from functionality to reflection, shifting the focus from matter and financial value to the process, which I believe is essential for all existence.
The result was a work in which wet, turned, clay cylinders were mixed with unsprouted wheat kernels and placed in closed glass cubes.
As in land art, the man-made element forms the basis for the processing of nature. However, whereas land art often involves significant encroachments on the landscape, the glass cubes are comparable in size to bonsai, which literally means “planted in a container."
Inger Weidema, PhD (Population Biology) wrote a text about what happens in the closed cubes. (You can read the text here)
In his review of ATRIUM’s exhibition in Det Ny Kastet, Thisted, in Nordjyske, Troels Laursen wrote about Bonsai Land Art that "This is highly effective ceramic concept art.”
The Danish Arts Foundation, Committee for Arts and Crafts and Design, awarded the work a prize in the context of an exhibition at CLAY Museum of Ceramic Art.
You can read about the exhibition at CLAY here
The production of Bonsai Land Art was funded by the Danish Arts Foundation and Dansk Tennis Fond.